Saturday, May 25, 2013

One down, one more to go!

Had a busy and yet very productive day today!  First the girls and I did the Run for the Meadows 5K this morning; it was a beautiful morning for some good exercise!  We then came home and finally got all the veggies planted in the garden in raised bed #1.  I guess it was good we hadn't planted the garden yet since it was down to 42 degrees the night before.  We are hoping the weather will stay warmer and that the green soaker hose looks like snakes to the local rabbits to scare them away!  :)

So in raised bed #1 we got tomatoes, sweet peppers, hot peppers, cherry tomatoes, several herbs, cucumbers, onions, garlic, tomatoes, marigolds and more tomatoes.  Did I mention tomatoes?  Yes, I want to be able to can lots of tomatoes this year!

Gregg was working on bringing lawn chairs and table out from the shed and draining the water from the tarp on the pool.  We are hoping to have the pool open by the end of this long weekend.  What a great weekend to work out in the yard, soak up the Vitamin D and enjoy the sun!

Tomorrow we will plant in raised bed #2.  Check back then to see what is being planted there.

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