Friday, May 24, 2013

Aloe to the rescue!

The wind has been so strong these last few weeks, it has not been good to my plants!  I put my seedlings in a small green house just outside the back door, but wind kept blowing it over, so not sure how many of the heirloom seedlings will make it.  Even with bricks to hold the greenhouse down, it just kept falling over and dumping the seedlings.  I even put my Aloe Vera plant outside to enjoy the sunshine, but even that was blown over while sitting on the bricks.  It didn't like being dumped over and it looked pretty sad, so I decided before it died to salvage the gel from the leaves. So, Lizzy helped me with this very gooey and tedious job.  We added some citric acid and vitamin E and blended it in the food processor then sealed it a pint jar and stored in the fridge. We got almost a cup worth of gel from the leaves.  Check out all the benefits of the Aloe Vera plant here.  Do any of you have an Aloe plant?  What have you used it for?

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